If you tell Hadvar that you are not much for sneaking, he will say that he has faith in you, but also that if you get discovered at any point, you should run out into the courtyard and start fighting, at which point he and his scouts will come running. Hadvar will suggest waiting until nightfall before trying to sneak in.


If you go with Hadvar, instead of opening the chest you can take the sword off the wall and whack him for levels in one handed and sneak, or burn him for magic levels. When Hadvar/Ralof crouch at

After escaping the dragon and heading into the Helgan Keep, you continue along until you reach the stealth section where you sneak past the bear. Simply take the weapon of your choice, go behind either Se hela listan på en.uesp.net Ralof level up glitch. unlike leveling with Hadvar you can level up one hand, two hand, sneak, restoration, conjuration, illusion and destruction Anyway, Hadvar's no longer following me, still haven't got my money, but I still have the main questline to complete (for a second time after my main level 48 got overwritten somehow by making a new save. Q.Q) so now I'm playing with my redguard (Level 37 if I remember correctly) Anyway, I think Hadvar's gone off to drink away his sorrows. Hadvar has different dialogue depending on your character race. Its very interesting.

Hadvar glitch

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Do not drink those or the game will glitch. Sep 25, 2015 During the intial quest, I pick Hadvar and we escape Helgen (or random Live Another Life start). I walk with Hadvar all the way to Riverwood. Aug 24, 2014 You can do the Jagged Crown glitch with either Hadvar or Ralof, so it doesn't matter if you've already joined the Imperials.

Sigrid and the young girl should remain downstairs, and Hadvar … Glitch in Helgen Keep, Really Annoying : Hadvar isn't really reacting to anything I do, and some stormcloak NPCs are missing. For instance in the first room, he keeps telling me I should find some gear even after I open the Wardens Chest and get the imperial armor, Hadvar will crouch down at this point waiting for you to go.


hadvar glitch the return I won the war for the empire and yet again Hadvar was waiting for me to passive aggressively tell me how rikke likes me better because I'm dragonborn and asking me which parent was the dragon.. on the 360 fast traveling to riverwood worked to fix it but it's not doing it this time, no matter what, he's waiting for me in whiterun. Hadvar is following me everywhere! Wht do I do!!??

Hadvar glitch in Imperial Legion quest? In the Imperial Legion quest when I'm supposed to regain the Rift, after black-mailing Anuriel and being told about the shipment of gold and weapons I'm

2015-10-13 · Follow Hadvar.

Hadvar glitch

Stop it, Hadvar! I'm playing on pc so if anyone has any idea about useful console commands that won't totally and completely F up my storyline/game, that'd be great. Can't really I've tried searching for a fix. but it seems everybody only has the carrige glitch or Hadvar relentlessly following people (which isn't even in the start of the game). Does anybody have a way to fix this/ actually had this glitch? tldr: Hadvar f cks off in the intro, and won't come back, halp Post-Legion Hadvar Glitch?
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All of a sudden Hadvar started following me around.

Type: player.paycrimegold 0 0 28848 This NPC is named Hadvar, a Nord who is a member I've tried searching for a fix.
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Hadvar run into Riverwood. Weird glitch! - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: Hello. I was do my live another life quest. I was pass helgen and follow Hadvar to Riverwood. But Hadvar suddenly stop front of the Riverwood gate. Then he is run into Riverwood with …

I was pass helgen and follow Hadvar to Riverwood. But Hadvar suddenly stop front of the Riverwood gate. Then he is run into Riverwood with … Hadvar will only attack you if someone is watching or at times, if you use magic. Having said this, game provides for levelling each time you level up as long as you have gold.